There are 3 categories of water damage ranked numerically by how clean, or dirty the water is. The category of the water damage can drastically effect the procedure for mitigation and repair, but lets start with the category rankings and what they mean:

Category 1: Sanitary Water

These liquids are from sanitary sources such as faucets and toilet tanks, water supply lines etc. This is considered the cleanest source of water damage, however it’s important to note that even a tiny amount of sanitary water damage can quickly escalate if gone unnoticed, or unmitigated.

Category 2: Grey Water

This category of damage comes from sources such as dishwashers, washing machines, sinks, etc. and contain contaminants that may cause illness or discomfort if ingested.

Category 3: Black Water

The worst category of water damage. This grossly unsanitary source includes sewage backup, feces contaminated toilet overflow, flooding from rivers or streams, and bacteria laden stagnant liquid, and can cause severe illness or death if ingested.

Although there are definitive outlines for describing the categories individually , it is important to note that water can transcend through the categories quite easily. For example: Suppose a supply line for a toilet on the 2nd floor of a home sprung a tiny leak. The water mostly runs behind the toilet on the floor in a small area, and traverses through the tiniest gap between the baseboard and the floor of the room. From there the water finds its way through the wall, running down the wooden framing, being absorbed by the insulation and drywall until the materials become too saturated and start to reveal water stains and bubbling in the room(s) below the 2nd floor bathroom. Slow, tiny leaks such as these can go days, or longer, without being noticed by an unsuspecting homeowner, and it is actually quite common. But how does water damage like this transcend categories? Time and exposure. Even though in this scenario the source of the water damage was Category 1 (clean sanitary water) that may no longer be the case. Because the water has spent a few days or even weeks trapped inside of your walls, collecting organic materials along the way from the wood, or perhaps insect and mice droppings or other organic decay, (an ideal environment for mold growth in as little as 24 hours!) the water has now transcended to Category 2 because its had time and exposure to materials that contaminated the water. While this isn’t always the case, you can now probably imagine a few different ways in which a sanitary water source could become contaminated or even toxic rather quickly.

If you have experienced water damage in your home it is very important to understand the difference and details between these categories, as they can drastically effect the procedures involved in mitigating and repairing the damages that were caused, especially during an insurance claims process. Proper protocol and documentation can make or break the claims process.

It is imperative to seek the guidance of a career professional as early as possible. Don’t wait, act immediately. If you actively have a leak that wont stop and you are unable to find a way to stop the water flow, call an emergency plumber immediately. Stopping the water flow should be priority #1.